Works on loan / under restoration

Accademia Carrara participates in exhibitions of great importance with works that are usually on display in the museum’s visitor itinerary and constantly checks the conservation conditions of its holdings, planning restoration work where necessary.
Whenever possible, works that are temporarily absent from the exhibition itinerary are replaced with paintings or sculptures from the Accademia Carrara’s deposits or from other museums.

Works matching the search parameters: 7

Ritratto maschile

Baldovinetti Alessio, 1425/ 1499

David con la testa di Golia

Balestra Antonio, 1666/ 1740


Bernini Pietro, 1562/ 1629

Autoritratto con tavolozza

Carnovali Giovanni detto Piccio, 1804/ 1873

Nascita di Maria

Carpaccio Vittore (1465 ca./ ante 1526) (e aiuti)

Venere punisce Cupido

Riccio (Andrea Briosco), Trento, 1470-Padova, 1532

Offerta a Venere (copia da Tiziano)

Varotari Alessandro detto Padovanino, 1588/ 1649

Works matching the search parameters: 2

Ventuno carte da gioco e due carte da tarocchi (Imperatore, Giustizia); Tre carte da tarocchi (Stella, Luna, Mondo)

Bembo Bonifacio, notizie 1444-1477; Cicognara Antonio (notizie 1480-1516); Bembo Ambrogio, notizie 1450-1482 (?)

San Gerolamo a Betlemme

Cincani Bartolomeo detto Montagna (1449 ca./ 1523)